Friday, 27 June 2014

How To Handle No of Users And Allotment of time to particular user in Nav 2013

I have come across with one interesting point for handling no of Users and Allotment of time to particular user in Nav 2013. Let’s take one scenario where No of user license in Nav is 30, and actual users in the organization are around 48.

Out of these 48 users are divided into 4 Parts (Finance,Sales,Purchase,Warehouse). Out of These users, Finance Users  are continuously connected to the database. Sales Users and Purchase Users are generally connected in the afternoon and warehouse is connected generally in the evening. 

In this case, we can create multiple NST (Navision Service Tier) Department wise. Each NST is attached to domain and a Port. In active directory services, system administrator can allot time to open a particular port for a particular time for a particular user. In navision there is no facility for controlling the time line of user but we can control it thru ADS (Active Directory Services) And Firewall.

If you have create multiple NST, Performance wise as well as from the point of debugging it will be very useful.

Multiple Active Resultsets (MARS) In Nav 2013

There are lot of things get changed from Nav 2009 R2 to Nav 2013. Microsoft Dynamics Nav Server has been Re-written by Microsoft to use ADO.dotnet instead of ODBC.

The New interface managed data access layer of Sql Server. Which decrease the consumption of the memory. It also make the 3 box installation very easy by simplifying Sql Server Connection Pooling.

There has been no more one to one connection between Nav client and Sql Server Connection. Previously each connection consumes 40 MB of Memory. Now Memory allocation is in Managed Manner which is more efficient. For. eg If the users are connected to one nav server Instance where one user read a record, a second user can read the record from same cache. This cache is called as Data Cache. There are 2 types of Data Cache Global and Private. Global Cache is for all users connected to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance and Private cache is per user, per company, in a transaction scope. Data in a private cache for a given table and company are flushed when a transaction ends.

(It means, for better performance the memory should be good where the Navision Service Tier lies.)

Microsoft Dynamics Nav 2013 no longer uses server cursors to retrieve records. Now records are retrieved using MARS (Multiple Active Result sets). In Nav 2013 the option for Record Set Property is no longer exist.